Low Vision and Eyewear

Legal Blindness

Normal vision, or 20/20 vision, means that a person can read the smallest letters or see the pictures on an

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Living With Low Vision

Low vision is loss of eyesight that makes everyday tasks like reading, writing, crossing the street, or watching television difficult.

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Sunglasses are popular for comfort and fashion, but now there is medical evidence supporting the use of sunglasses to protect

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Childrens Eye Safety

Accidents resulting in serious eye injury can happen to anyone, but are particularly common in children and young adults. More

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Sixty percent of the 161 million Americans who wear prescription eyewear choose eyeglasses. Wearing eyeglasses is one of the simplest

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Contact Lenses

Contact lenses are thin, clear, disks of plastic that float on the tear film that coats the cornea, the clear

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