Except in situations in which your surgery is scheduled to occur less than a month from the date of decision, one month prior to surgery is the absolute deadline for us to have received all pre-operative blood tests, cardiogram and a completed full general physical examination. Although it is ultimately the responsibility of Dr. Schertzer to make sure you have a full physical examination including your heart and lungs, he feels that your family doctor is more qualified as that is the person who is helping keep track of your general health. Please note, if we do not have all your completed paperwork one month prior to the surgery date, then the hospital will cancel your surgery. Our surgical time is limited and it is not likely that you will find a new date without a significant delay of 1-3 months. We therefore highly recommend that you see your family doctor more than one month prior to the surgical date so that your surgery will not be cancelled.
When getting your blood tests and cardiogram, please make sure that Dr. Robert Schertzer, MSP #26035, is specified to receive a copy of the results and that you go to LifeLabs (formerly MDS Metro) or BC BIomedical for these tests. As long as these conditions are followed, then your resutls will automatically appear in your electronic medical record at Dr. Schertzer’s office as soon as they are ready.